ROCAM Productions, LLC was created in 2012 by Rosalind Morris, to enable collective projects in film, video and theatrical media. The name is simple: a combination of first letters from the creator's own name. ROCAM Productions LLC is a small company with a big vision. It is animated by the belief that form and idea can come together to permit new ways of seeing and thinking about the world, and that small scale collaboration can engender enormously important work.
Much of the creative work of ROCAM Productions LLC grows out of Rosalind Morris's research as an anthropologist and cultural critic. It encompasses documentary film, multi-media installation, poetry and opera.
Rosalind Morris is an award-winning anthropologist, cultural critic and documentarist, who is Professor of Anthropology at Columbia University. She is the author of seven books and more than eighty essays, and she frequently collaborates with visual artists. Among her many awards and honors are the Guggenheim Fellowship (2022), the Berlin Prize, Official Selection of the Berlinale Forum Expanded, and residential fellowships at institutes for Advanced Studies in Princeton, Stellenbosch and Weimar, as well as a Rockefeller Bellagio residency and the inaugural Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities at the American Academy in Berlin.
For information on Rosalind Morris's scholarly work and writings, visit her personal web page at this link.